Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Dog's Life (Chapters 5 & 6)

Chapter 5: Go Back to the Beginning

"Can we go back?", Lady barked.

"Where's that?", Amy barked back.

"The neighborhood", Lady barked.

"Ok", Amy replied.

So, Amy, Lady, Scout and Anna went to the neighborhood. A dog jumped on the fence when they got there. "Yo, Yo, Amy! Help me get out, would ya?"

"Yes!", Amy replied and barked to Scout, "Open the gate."

Scout opened the gate.

"Thanks, yo!", Matt barked.

"Let's go!", Anna barked.

"Yeah!", Matt barked. "Come on, let's go back, yo! My owners are going to come out soon!"

"Ok, let's move.", Lady barked.

So, they trotted off.

Chapter 6: The Big Dinner

When they got back to the fort in the forest, a big deer lay in the den.

"Dinner's Here!", Buddy barked in his tiny voice. "Let the leaders come first."

"No, No.", Willy barked back. "It's a big deer and Rascal has not came back yet."

Just then he came in with a ginormous deer.

"Let's eat outside.", Rascal barked.

"Good idea!", Willy replied.

So they are outside.

"I'll get the dessert.", Indie barked.

"ok", Willy barked. He ran to get the dessert.

When she came back, moss was set all around the deer.  Indie put the garbage in the middle of the moss.

"Anna just came back.", Amy barked. "Perfect timing!"

"Let's put chairs and plates in.", Milly suggested.

"Great idea!", Willy barked.

So they put chairs and plates around the food.

"Time to eat! Eating is fun.", Buddy barked after dinner.